Thursday, July 30, 2009


Well ...

I was working on my editor, to be precise on the background Project-World-Level strukture when all the sudden Visual C# 2008 started to make problems.

It turned out that this dose have some stuff to do with the edits I made in the designe file of the main form.

"Ok", I thought, "just don't make any edits anymore and your fine." Thought, done.
But a few minutes later the designer file deleted the main split container of my form ...

"Ok", I thought, "delet that stupid form and with that all the problems you have." Thought, done.
But a few hours later, after I recreated the form, it happened again. The Editor Control was gone. I may only have the just replace it in the designer view, but it still sucks.

"Ok", I thought, " how about if I dump the entire project, reinstall VC# 2008, or even reset the entire PC. That should solve the problem." Thought, ... no not done.
I just closed the project and I'm waiting for motivation to rewrite the whole thing ... till then I may play some games of make another little project ... who knows.


Monday, July 20, 2009

I did it (well parts of "it")

A few days ago I planed to make a tile map editor till monday 2400 and right now its 10 minutes before tuesday.

This is the proof that its working, I made a spiral in the grid. And that not trough test writing and telling the editor what is where before the whole thing is build.
NO! I've loaded the tiles in runtime (not through the contentimporter as the beautifull magenta spots show), have selected the desired tile and painted it on the grid.

It far from being done, or bug free, nor can I save any level yet, or load it, but that will be done another day.

Yes, the 6th of august is comming closer, but a good tool it the essence of every good game.

Till then,

Friday, July 17, 2009

Trying it the hard way

On the 6th of august Microsoft will close the entry window for this years DreamBuildPlay contest.
When that happens, I want to enter a game.

20 Days till then. What I got is a beginning of a Leveleditor. I have a good game idea. And I have 20 days I can use (- some hours, because I'm lazy ;-) ).

What I have to do, is only create the world map, additional sublevels, write the complet game code, debug it, port it on the 360, debug it send it.

Sounds quite easy too me. I know that I might woun't make it, ... but who cares? I still would have finally a complet game in my postfolio, woudn't I?

Currently, my next Milestone is to get the editor done till monday 2400. Around 3 days should be enougth to tune the storage system, make a tile manager, create a good grid-level setup, and make it possible to place special tiles (stuff you later can interact with).

Sounds like a plan to me. :D

Greg the Mad

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

First wave out

4 applications there are that are still unanswered, and that from a total of 6 send.
To give you more figures: Those 6 where out of a list of 16 internships that would fit for me, and those 16 where out of a list of 65 internship advertisements.

well ...

... I only need one, you know ...

And I don't know if I really will be able to pull up that game that I came up with two days ago.

Yes, just like that I hade a new game in my head. No, its not that I can't focuse on one game, but that this is a more or less easy 2D game that still holds a lot of fun. Its a SciFi Survival Adventure, thats all I want to say.

But I would have to make some progress in my programm, and that did not happen till now.
The Content Project makes problems, the Xna.Path dose not work as said.

... but I could hardcore write this game ...

I don't know yet.

... its too hot in austria to do thinking ... :(


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Looking for a job

OK, yesterday I called the austrian military when I would have to make my obligatory military duty. Well ... 4th January 2010.

Thats quite a while till then, so I decieded to look for a job in this time, instead to work on my game engine. Its just too much time to spend infront of my computer only doing what I want ...

Anyway. I already have send away two applications, the two which would interest me the most.

One for a german console games magazine and the other for a more local game developer.

If I would get the first I would have to get a flat in munich/germany and had to move there (for 5 month ...), but I'm flexible. ;-)
Ther other one would be closer, and I wouln't have to move anywere, but on the other hand it wouldn't only be a job about games, it would be a job ... evem more about games.

I can't be that sure of any of them to be a success, after all I would be a big risk for any of them as I'm fresh from school and have no specific education, but ... you can dream, can't you?
But I will have a look for other jobs, but they will go into the same direction I think. The "Possible, But Unlikely" direction.

And at this point I have to point out the great HR woman from the first job that have send me a mail only to tell me that she has received my application. It probably was a automatic mail, send to every one who sends a application, but its still something so many other HR people are lacking of ...


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Back home

I just were reading in the good old Bioware forums, what I didn't have done that frequent in the last weeks, and guess what I stumble over. Yes, a topic about Blogs, and so I thought about making a new post.

I'm back from my week in turkey, it was so great and sunny that some parts of my skin wanted to stay there, so I let them. Some other parts decieded to come back and stay tan, and again some other thought it would be awesome to take some austrian vacation. The last are leaving my day by day ...

Damn you sun!

Do you know what really lets you know that you're done with school? You look into you timetable and see a quite big empty void looking back.
I may will fill that blank page of my life with some programming form my game engine, well not yet, later.

Now I have to make some other stuff first, like figuring out what I have to go to the obligatory military duty thise year, every normal boy in austria have to make.
Mean while I will have to think of a fitting university to atemt to, the right branch of study, etc.

... Is there a branch that combines astrophysics with game programming? Something like Advanced Space Sumulations? Spacecraft System programmer? Worldleadership for Beginners?

... hmmm ...


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day 5 / Entry 2

Its been a while.

On my firt real day here I already burned my skin, the whole body ... So ... I spended the next two days in my room.

Today is the first day out of that room, and I'm happy :)

Right now I'm waisting time as my MP3 player is pulged on this laptop sucking energy out of it. After that the 'Beach Mania' will start.
I am normaly not that beach party fan, but they got some interresting bands, no Linkin Park, Metalica, or whatever, but I might have a look.

Oh, one last thing, I hate Pepsi ... that cheap, or rather not that cheap Coca Cola copy. Its the coke they got here regulary, to mix all the drinks, and as a Coca Cola fan I drink coke all the time.
And by the time ... you realy start to tast the differences, .. and pepsi looses that mache.
Yesterday I bought a Coca Cola ZERO in the resort shop and ... whaa ... you can't imagen what that feeled ...

Can't wait till I'm home ... not because it suchs here, but because there will be a good cola. :D

So Long,

Greg the Mad