Saturday, August 30, 2008

Physic Screen Shot

Jep, its gone and now I can make up to 60 push ups now (15 - 4 times).

I've also made some serious programming lately, I finaly made some progress in the moment of inertia calculation.
First I planed to get the projeced shape of the mesh through ray tracing, but then a nice guy from the XNA community told me that the CPU is not quite build for such kind of calculation, the GPU is more made for it. So I just thought "Well, so why don't make it on the GPU?"
In the beginning I thought that there would be somethimg like that in the SpaceWar starter kid of XNA, but I was misstaking, but something like that dose no break me down. I just looked in the internet for a way to get a screen shot from a game, took that code changed it a bit (camera position, projection matrix, and general purpose), and done.

What I actually do is taking a screen shoot from the model I want the moment of inertia from. I just place the camera so that it face the model from a special direction (like from above) and use a orthogonal matrix. Furthermore I use a black background (GraphicDevice.Clear(Color.Black)) and I also set some rendering effect so that the model is white. What I get (or should get, I stilll got some problems with the quat that should diplay the new screen) is a white silouet of the model on a black background, now I got that I just have to make the moment of inertia calculation for each white point in this pic.

Its not finished yet, nor tested, but it appears to work fine for the moment and to be a loot easyer then I expected moment of inertia calculation to be.

I'm proud of my self. *giving myself a pat on the back*
Good boy.

And I hope that I see here this evening ...

Greg the Mad

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Belly pain

That may sound like I just got a punsh into my abdomen, but its more because I tried to pull myself up on a tree ... only using my arms.

I know that ther is a special english word for that, but my internet is to slow today to look for it.

Anyway, this little pain can lead to big trouble if I'm not care full. I could stop making my nice little training units I've made the last weeks (you can't make situps with that pain), but I now have to stop it, or I will never get rid of that pain ... you can't imagen how often you use those muscles ...

What happended else the last few days ... right!
I made some little adjustments on my few new classes so they should work better, but I still have some probems with the Force.Draw method, so I'm little stuck at the moment as I need to know how the forces look, befor I can manipulate them. (I stoped the LS, ... mainly because after a full night of thinking for what I could use it, I came up with nothing, ... its a sign)

Well I still got that girl in my mind, but no I didn't saw her again last weekend, but I had a beautifull dream ... such dreams a rare. It was one of those were you fill so warm and fuzzy all around ... *dream* ... But with my luck I will see her again ...

... in two years.

Today I'm a little numb, because of my belly and that I sleeped again till noon ... 12 houres of sleep are too much, so that was it for the update. -.-

Greg the Mad

Friday, August 22, 2008

Ther you go.

There you want to write a Force Control System (FCS), but you end up with a Layer System (LS).

Well, what happened?

I got good experience with the DrawableGameComponents of XNA, so I use them everywher I can. As did I in the Programme where I wanted to create the FCS, but after a few hours of work, setting some new classes up (like a new grid class, or FPS class), a old problem crossed my path, that sometimes it can happen that models get drawn atop each other and not in a real 3D space.

So I finaly wrote a post about that on the XNA boards, and DING, a day later a know the source of the problem and know how to actually use that problem to create a LS.

It may will take a day till I realy got something I can show, but once it done ... it will be awsome!

And now about something complet different:
Well shes still hovering around in my mind, on a day like this, wher I got something to do, its not that hard, but who knows what will be tommorow? The day I might will see her again? ... ... *fingercrossing*

... Fingercrossing to realy see her and talk to her, or not to see her at all, everything in between would be ... dumb again ...

Greg the Mad

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

At least something

Its will take time till I forgot her, but only if I don't she her again.
The last time it took me a few years, I only saw her a few hours this time so I would estimate a few mothe this time.

Anyway, I did make some progress to day, no not about her, but about my game.
My next step would be to use the player input and change them into force.

Yes Forces.

In the real world everything gets moved though forces, why not too in the game world?

So the first thing I will creat is a system to calculat the forced for normal movements, like following a path or rotation. Later I will set some and think about how to do that if my forces can only be applyed in a certain way. So I could use that system for ships which got thier thrusters turned down, so that they can hover.

I don't know how long it will take me to that point, as every second thought is about someone else, but with my new way of developmet (building it all up like Lego) I could make a line a week, but every line would be real progress.

Hopefully she will be ther next saturday ...

Greg the Mad

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Well after all ...

I'm still not over her.

Its quite interesting, if I would not have met her, last week, I probably would now be sitting, working on my hybrid ship, form my next game prototyp, maybe would have found a nother nice girl, and would be happy.

But I met her. So I'm sitting her writing a nother update for my blog, hoping that to write my thougths down would make it easyer.
In fact did I nothing else the whole last week then to stitte her and listen sad songs (most of the time).

I may have continued my work on my space ship (I'll post a pic once ints done), I may have get myslef finaly a belt, I may dicoverd that shaving every two days is more dangerouse then just once a week (I'll stay with the once a week timing). But the whole week I waited for yesterday.

... Sucks, as ther was nothing yesterday.

I drove to my favorite club, ... which was closed that night. Well.

Lets hope for next weekend. If I meet her again next saturday, I'll try it.
I'll try to talk to her, even if she revuse to talke to me, that would be much better, as I would know how she thinks about me. If I don't meet her, ... well then I got at least some other kind of answer too. She knows where I'm at the weekend.

Last thursday I was out too, and while I was walking through the crowed of people I saw once of her friends. Once she noticed me she suddenly steped asaid, letting me pass, I'm not sure, but ther was something in her look, something like 'He's here!' and I may could have imagen that but I think that she reached for her cell as I passed. But I didn't saw HER that night.

I'm writing with out any connection to the last paragraph, dose I?

Greg the Mad

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Quite Personal Update

Screwed me.

Any girl.

If any girl would have gretted me last saturday, I would be fine to day, I may even would be happy, thinking about what to some next time I enter the location. But even if ther would have been no girl last weekend, I still would do better then I do now.

Lieing in bed at night, reviewing what happened last weekend, wondering what will happen next, IF there is anything to happen. Sitting infront to a WoW Beta, guessing what I could do wrong if somethings happens. Wondering about those legs.

You don't know what I'm taking about? Well lets start at the begining.

As I was still young, fresh and in the 5th grad.
Well, I always was that outsider typ guy, standing in the corner, with some other guy I called friends, normaly far away from the ... 'cool' lot.
But a part of that lot was a girl. That that was special about that girl was not that she didn't hate me like the others did, but she also laught about my jokes, despite the fackt that the most of those jokes where about her and how short she is growing.
So the years passed, and I made a lot of jokes about her, in the 8th grad I started to believe that she hates me for those jokes (~4 years of jokes about her, she must have hated me at that time).

After the 8th grad we all walked different way. The 'cool' lot started to get them self some jobs, or little more school education. I was one of the few to actually make a heigher education, so did she, just a different school in a different city.
So you may can imagen how often we have seen. But never the les, those few sights were enougth that I started to realize that I like her. Realy liked her. Thought about her even if I didn't had seen her for month. Holding a picure of her in my mind.

Slowly time passed and I started to forget about her. I never saw her anymore, and started thinking about other girls I've mett over time. Getting other pictures.
To be pricise about it, I completly forgot her, don't even bothing about how she would be thies days.
I was lifing happiely, was thinking about a lot of other girl, but mainly thinking on how I could become a great Game Designer one day. Girls only were a asset to that dream. Happy feeling where striped to songs, and no picutes on my mind anymore.

Till last weekent.

It was my second time in that location. After a few shy tries I started to make some moves on the dance floor, and as I realized that no one cares about me making those wired movements, I realy freaked out and started dancing (I actually think that I'm a good dancer, but I'm not in the position to judge this now).

Two eys.
A short glance.

First I thought 'Hey, I know that face', and then 'Hey, thats that girl I once used to make jokes about', 'Whats her name?', 'She turned out to be a good looking girl', '... those legs ...'

... And I hade some other thoughts ...

'... Did she just looked to me?!?'
'Woops, I think she remembers me too.'
'Hm? Where did she went? ... And who trys to grap my shoulder at my left ...'

"Hi, long time not seen..." she said.

It was a short dialog, not longer then a minute and strongly muffeled by the background sounds that was the dance music. We talked about what we're making at the moment and what we have done to get ther.
In the middle of that she was forced by her following girls to go with them to the restroom. A minute is not much time to share information, but it can have a great impact on other things.

Later our eyes crossed each other once in a while, ... probably because I was danceing just two meter away from her, ... with my back to her, as I tried to focus on some other potential girl.
But steping on a foot that belongs to a friend of her, made me turn once, and the other time I set down to relax a few minutes (I probably was the only dancer in that club that didn't got some alcohole, nor other stuff in his blood, and so I needed a rest once in a while), she and her girls stand next to me, with their back to me giving a perfect view of her legs, as they watched other people dance. Again with some movements of people, causeing us to see each other.

She did smile. I'm sure about that. I didn't imagen that.

Anyway, she leaft a hour before I did, she didn't sayed goodby.

Any girl.

Any girl that I would have tracked with my eyes that night, ... I could have walked up to her and talk to her, or even dance with her.
But she ... we got a history. I know her and she knows me (at least she knows my past, and I'm not proud of my 'stupid' past). I can't just go to her and start talking ... not without a couse ... not without seeing her.

Well and that why I'm sitting here, infront of my PC, wondering if I actually will see her again, were that might be, or if she dose like me too.

Not to mention how hard it is to get those legs out of your mind.

Greg the Mad

Friday, August 8, 2008

Lazy me.

Ok, what I have done the last few days ...

I played my WoW charakter to the level 68 in order to load it over to the test server.
I downloaded the Beta Client of the Lich King, took me 6 hours in which I was able to do nothing else then to what some more episodes of Battlestar Galactica (I'm currently at Season 2 Episode 5).
And I played a little around with the Deathnight.

... Nothing more ... Oh ... Yes, my guitar playing gets better and better, even if I only can play one and a half song at the moment :)

Anyway, I decided that this playing around with the tools I'm writing dose not get me anywere. So once I find enought time to write some code again, I will continue to work on the actuall game and stop my tool playing for the moment.

Hopefully I'll find some more time to write a nother update here before the week is over, So Long.

Greg the Mad

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Two Front War!


Right in the moment where I write this, I'm sitting in my room and I'm right in a two front war.

Yes, in front of my I got my regular PC where I will start to install the WoW Addon The Wrath of the Lich King BETA (WooT! I' a chosen one!) and to my left I got my new outdoor Laptop (when I read 'outdoor' in the advertisement I knew that that would be mine!) wher I'm working to get it on the standard I knew from my normal PC.

And to make things worst I got my brothers Guitar at the right of me, and sometimes I can't resist to take the pick and play a few nots.


Greg the Mad

Saturday, August 2, 2008

1 Month of Misterys

This month gone get interesting.

First I will have to perform the drive safty lessons for motorcycle and car this month. They will cost a lot and bring less, .. but I must do them -.-

Second will I try the 'FH Technikum Wien' acceptance test. If I fail I still can try it next year, and if I fail then I will got a new chance in two years.

Third did I get into contact with a guy who wants to open his own game studio somewhen next year, and I may got a chance to write some tools for him and his team. That will be interesting.

Fourth did I apply for a Beta test of the coming game Sacred 2. If they take me I got one more game one my Beta Test game list ... which contains Halo3 ... thats all :(

And fithly will I get today the guitar of my brother and start learning to play it. Finaly some more music in my life, MP3 are not enougth.

And last but not least will that be the last free month before I start into the last year at school, which will end with a major big test called 'Matura', for which I will learn full six month ...

BUT FIRST! *raise my left index finger* ... I'll take a shower :)

Greg the Mad