Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Big, Bigger, Moon!

I actually planed today to clean my lines up. Clean all that stuff I don't need anymore, pimp the documentation and all that suff, ... but then I couldn't resist.

I changed some stuff about the moon.

Yep, Luna, that gray thing at sky when it is dark.

What I can change there? It just cycles the earth?

Yes, you're right. It still cycles earth, but I changed all that code that lets it cycle.
When I started I knew that this prototyp never will have more than one moon (earth is the only planet, of the first 4, that got a real moon), so he always was its own model, got its own values, etc.
But think about jupiter, or saturn! They got up to 64 moons! It would be madness to creat its own model for each of them.

So I came up with a idea.
I earlyer placed all the planets in a so called 'List', and now I did the same with the moon.
Each Planet now got a list of all the planets that cycle him.
And that means a list that got a list. ...

It was hard to initialize that, especialy because I've never have done that before, ... it took me nasty 10 minutes!

And the first time I pressed that F5 button it did work that great that I decided to give Mercury and Venus some moons.
Venus 3 and Mercury 5. Each Moon with its own randomized position ...

I was realy suprised when I've seen that ...

... They could be the biggest eyes ever seen ... or ... the biggest a** ever seen


(I post the link, because I was not impressed by the quality of my last pic)

Greg the Mad

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Hey, its me again :)

Even if I didn't post the last few days, it dose not mean I did nothing.

I've made some minor changes on my game, minor bat with great impact!

Do you know the cry engnine and its editor? No? Ok than I will explain a little bit before I tell you what I've made.

In the CryEngine Editor you can build the whole world, place AI guys, mission stuff and all that crap, but that what makes it special is that you can press a butten at any given time and just play the game like you've just build it.

Somehow I've copied that idea. Somehow ...

While you can press the button in the editor to play the game in the Cry Egnine Editor, you can press F1 in my game at any given time to swich in a Dev-view (Hey, nice name, ... from now on I will call it that way !Deview! )

In that view every game thing gets frezzed, and you can hover around like in matrix! And I also scripted it so that all they BoundingSpheres and boxes will appear when I hit that button, as the Devtext will.

That view don't got any great point yet (like the whole game ^.^), but I got great plans with it.

Imagen you play a game and see a something happen, ... that should not happen, for example a AI ship flying against a wall.

And now imgane you just hit that F1 button, hover over to that ship, click it and you can have a look at all its values.
What is it trying to do?
Why is it trying to do that?
Name it.

And the idea is that you also can pic that ship, replace it and than only let the ship fly around.
Will it fly again in that wall?
At the same place of the wall?

Maybe its his target. Maybe its a station or a enemy, that somehow fliped behind that wall ...


The next step I plan actually would be to display all the infos about that ship, and maybe get a working line code, so that I could display where it it going, etc.

... I've seen a interesting topic about that at the XNA boards.

And here the other stuff that I've made:

I fixed all planets:
Now I got 4 little orbs hovering around with their nice textures and the not great but better spectral reflection. One of the problems I still got with them is their orbit code. It works with the game time value, so it I press f1 again and leaf the Deview, the planets will be at a complet different position, but on the other hand: that shows that my gravity for the astroids works.

I can shoot!
I build a little bullet model and had a look at some older code that I've writen, and it only took me a half hour to let the bullets fly around. And that better than before! And I also programmed them to destroi astroids, when they meet one, but those bastards are fast. ... the only problem I got with those bullets it that they fly tail forward ...

I changed the sice of the SkySphere:
At the start I used a skysphere, placed in the center of the world, big enought to contain every model I've made. Now I changed that sphere so that it is sticked on the camera position and only half so big.
You may guess not: "Hey, don't that mean that it don't contain ever model anymore?"
Yes, that actually was the whole point of it.
The solarsystem is so big that you can't see from one end to the other, but its inpossible (for me) to rebuild sol in that scale. But in that scaled down vision you can see from one end to the other. So I shrinked the sphere down, add black fog (so that the planets can fade out in the black space), and gotcha!
I also plan that the planets and stuff scale down when they leaf view, just to increas that effect.

Greg the Mad

Monday, January 21, 2008


Here is the first pic of my game:

Its noting special, just my test ship, the collored orbs that are supposed to be panets, but you can see at thier scale and the scale of the spheres around them that not everthing works yet. And of course: earth. The only planet which don't make me bother :-)

The othres little spheres all around are the 40 astroids crashing down on the planets. (they get movement into the slow moving planets)

The 'T' or three arm stars hovering around my ship are part of s easy (cheated ^.^) WireBox, ... just for fun. (I don't use the normal line way how pro's make it, I just made a special mesh which looks like a this box and displayed it in the WireFrame way ^.^ )

And last but not least you can see my 'developer text' on the top left hand side of the pic. Its very useful if you can display text and values very easy and quick, they help you to find coding problems like the angle problem I've got with my ship turning matrix.

Hey, and mars is back! He was hidden behind a PlanetList Problem. I got 4 planets, but I've only renderd 3 of them, tricky little list figures. (You can't see him on that pic :-) )

All I acctualy would need more for a real ... 'easy' demo of my aimed game, would be a mission (fly from point A to B) and a enemy to attack you. ... Maybe more stuff like mining astroids and cargo to transport. But that all is only minor, compared with the mission.

... No game without Mission/Quest/Stuff to do/ etc. ...

Greg the Mad

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Faster than the police alows

My last post here is already a few days back, and I have to admit that there is not much I could talk about.
Not because I finaly was discoverd by a game studio and got a NDA not forbitting me to tell you anything, but ... ok, there never will be any studio that will 'discover' me, but ... anyway. :D
I just have not done that much the last few days.

I may have changed some more speed controles of my ship, have added something like a camerar movements when the ship accelorates (or something like that ...) ... ja ... that and I also made the WireFarme render code, I've talked last time.

... I must wait ...

I have to wait till the muse kiss my ass and a great idea stricks my in its violence back to the PC to realise it.

Till then.

Greg the Mad

Monday, January 14, 2008

Bastard Pacman

Hey, to get the pints working was much easyer than I thought!

I ealyer tryed to get the point relevant values into a seperat .cs file to have more overview over all that new code. That. Was. Wrong.

No matter how usefull it is to have stuff in its own file (you just could copy the file and use it at any other game, with out rewriting all the stuff), stuff like those draw routines should be in the main game class, just to keep it simple. But on the other side of the medal are the two points, that I'm drawing, too much for my PC and the frame rate goes down ...

But on the medal holding hand of that hard work I was facing yesterday I finaly found a easy why of rendering models in the 'WireFrame' style.
A little line, part of the point drawing code, was telling it to draw it in 'Solid' style, so I was wonder what would happen if I would swich that in to 'WireFrame' and bingo, I got a whole wired world.

It should be easy now to draw stuff like a grid or even some useful stuff, I'll have a look into it.

Wish me luck.

Greg the Mad

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Some people got stones on their way ...

... I start to get better and better in climbing mountains.

No, Mars still is lost in space, but I managed to create a better controle system for my little ship.

But the actually point of the post is not that what I managed to do, but that what I din't managed to do. (Sorry, but that are my astrians genes comming through :-) )

What do you think is the easyerst thing to display in a game? No, not a point.
I've just spend this last dear afternoon of that weekend in creating a point on the screne, ... I failed ...
Ok, ... I allways make stuff more complex than it could be. Instead of a complet new prototyp, I tryed to implent the code sample into my old prototyp with the ships and planets.
I planed to draw the axis of my ship (The axis of the ship are not necessary the same as X/Y/Z are), but the space stays empty.
At least so I guess so, but the game don't want to run itself since I've implent the new code pieces.
(I hate those errors, that never introduce themself and come, uninvited, to my partys)

Anyway, there also was a update on creators.xna.com , and ther now is a sample about WinForms and content loading, ... which actually reminded my of my old idea of making a XNA Editor all by my self (If there is no official ...).
I could use all the code I've created in my space prototyp there and finaly start to creat some content for a demo (or even a compete full featured little game ...), which I plan to use as Port Folio.
But I still got around 2 and a half year till I'll need one, so: "no stess, keep it slow, and make it better", and if I look back at the progress that I've made just in the last monthe, then I can look into a bright futur.

... I see a beatiful sunrice on the side of a steep mountain ... a mountain to climb ...

Here fits my new most beloved phrase:

"Yippee-I-Yay, Motherfucker"

Greg the Mad

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Astroids and brocken Mars

Its amazing which great animation some gravity can produce.

If managed to make some astroids and also I reminded my self of the great infention of the List. A list is actually like one Astroid, just with more than just one position, rotation, velocity and what ever you want. All you need to know a spezific value is the list name and the number of the astroid.
Which is a great asset if you have to handle all the 40 astroids I've used in my last build.
But 40 astroids alown are not that spectecular like they may sound. It all gain a lot more if you add newton.

I started with my good old Motion.Straight code, which creates a vector pointing exactly ther where you want it to point to, great if you want the let something chase something else (as long as ther is not wall, or any other barrier). I just took that code and put the gravity there where the speed is supposed to be and, bingo, ther perfect acceloration for a astroid!

But to which place do you send such a astroid?
I don't know where you would send a astroid, but my target was clear, earth!

I spend a whole afternoon whaching 20 astroids crashing down on the blue jewel. And it gets much better is you treat acceloration like acceloration and not just like speen, and if you add all the others planets.

I've already have got Mercury, Venus, Earth, Luna (the Moon) and Mars hanging around with my test ship. But now that I've added the astroids, they suddley got a point. Seeing how Luna accerlorates a astroi, it orbits earth a moment, Luna gets it out of that orbit and sends it on his long way to venus (around 0.5 sec aways from earth).

But I don't know why, but Mars don't want to play with the other children, ... maybe its because he's not there.
Somehow I managed to get rid of the red planet (Mercury acctualy is more red, at least on the pics I've seen), it somewhere was lost on the road to the PlanetList I've made to make the grafity thing easyer. (You have to circle up to 40 astroids through 3 planet- and one moon-grafitations till you get the final acceloration from all of them)

The next step would be to spend more work on the Orbit-Tool I plan, which would let them orbit a planet, physicaly correct, but with out disturbing stuff like grafitation.

I'm lovin' it. :)

Greg the Mad

Saturday, January 5, 2008


I got a flying ship! I got a flying ship! Nanananah Nahnah!

... ok, ... it flys like a jaw of dirt, and got unbelieveble antigravity shields, ... but it flys ...

I also made some improvments in my camera movement subroutine. It finaly can give a real angel back, that you could use to turn something, a ship for example.
And I also made a desiction: FPS and TPS are not that similar.
You may can use the same knowleg here and there, but still ...
At FPS, you only have to move the camera, at TPS, on the other hand, you have to move the ship, and THAN the camera. ... thats complet differnt ...

Now I gona fokus on the speed of the ship. That dose not mean that I think about the max speed, but about how to control the speed. Inertia? Jet force? Gravity? Ship weight?

Fortunatly there is a XNA 2 sample about that, but that dose not mean that I will be easy.

I also plan the play a little around with gravity, now that means, that I will place some astroids here and ther (random) and make that become affected my close planets, and that also includes a orbit tool. ... thats music in my ears! *headbangle*

Greg the Mad