Monday, January 21, 2008


Here is the first pic of my game:

Its noting special, just my test ship, the collored orbs that are supposed to be panets, but you can see at thier scale and the scale of the spheres around them that not everthing works yet. And of course: earth. The only planet which don't make me bother :-)

The othres little spheres all around are the 40 astroids crashing down on the planets. (they get movement into the slow moving planets)

The 'T' or three arm stars hovering around my ship are part of s easy (cheated ^.^) WireBox, ... just for fun. (I don't use the normal line way how pro's make it, I just made a special mesh which looks like a this box and displayed it in the WireFrame way ^.^ )

And last but not least you can see my 'developer text' on the top left hand side of the pic. Its very useful if you can display text and values very easy and quick, they help you to find coding problems like the angle problem I've got with my ship turning matrix.

Hey, and mars is back! He was hidden behind a PlanetList Problem. I got 4 planets, but I've only renderd 3 of them, tricky little list figures. (You can't see him on that pic :-) )

All I acctualy would need more for a real ... 'easy' demo of my aimed game, would be a mission (fly from point A to B) and a enemy to attack you. ... Maybe more stuff like mining astroids and cargo to transport. But that all is only minor, compared with the mission.

... No game without Mission/Quest/Stuff to do/ etc. ...

Greg the Mad

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