Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Yesterday I was snowboarding, my muscles tell me different.

School is getting hard work ... its hard to play DS while you got to make homework, but I'll do it later.

Maybe I should start twittering, it dose not need any clear structure when you write it.

I didn't write a line since a few weeks now, ... but I would like to work on my game that much :(

Why dose I got no money left in the middle of the month? Oh, that why ^.^

Is it me or is HAWX not that funny as the trailer promisses? Wait till the rhomb gets red and press 'A'?!?

No wonder that Flightsimulators are a rare product if you look at the fun quality of HAWX. Don't get me wrong, I believe that it will be a great game, but ... it too is lacking of the special something Freelancer had.

Greg the Mad

Ther is a lot of snow here now, and that at 6 degrees Celsius!

Trust me, if you go snowboarding, get yourself a backprotector, I used mine.

Greg the Mad

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