Saturday, February 7, 2009


Do you know how it feels if you've worked two month on a project and than, at the end, you finaly realice that all you've done was for nothing?

Well, I'm now more or less finished with the screensaver project, talking about the code, but yesterday, when I tried to test it, I figured out that it dose not work ...

Here's the problem, the MS operation system looks for .scr at the end of a file to see if its a screensaver, and only those files the listed up in the screensaver selection window for the screensavers. ... But my screensaver got a .exe at the end ... If I would run good, old, but slow XP I just could rewrite that on my own, but better, newer, and faster Vista dose not allow me to do that ... And now I got a problem.

I just could write my own programm to do that, or use one from the internet for the job, but whats about the people who would download my sameple and want to write their own screensaver? ... I can't just give them a link to a nother programm and say 'And now you use that programm ...' ... thats not professional, is it?

And because of that the project is down in the sleep mode again.

But unlike my earlyer project stops, now I will continue a nother projekt, ... I think I call it 'Make A Designe - Engine' or MAD - Engine (the acronym is not final, and so can change).

So, wher should I start with the Making Advanced Designes - Engine? Right, at the interface.

I want a simple one, only with basic stuff at the moment, not like Blade3D for example, which looks as good as complex.

And after the interface, I plane to start with the Content pipeline, which should be one of the special advantages of the More Aweseme Donuts - Engine.

So long.

Greg the Mad

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