Thursday, May 29, 2008


Today the a mechanic teacher returned the test we've got monday.

And? AND? What dose the teacher say after he called my name? guess! I've got a C!
I stood up and just run through the class with a grin on my face ... man ... that is the kind of grin I only get at special moments :D

My test was so good that some other people out of my class wanted me to copie it so they can learn for the second try of that test next monday (we got 15 E, which means that we have to repeat the test). Later I walked up to the desk of the teacher and asked him why I only got 20 points on that 40 point task, "Hmmm ... ok you'll get 5 points more on that" So I finaly got a C with 75 points, preatty good, isn't it?
Better as you guess. Nearly the end of the lesson I became curious and raised my hand asking wich number of points is equal which mark "... 75 - B ..."
WHAT?!? *run* I GOT 75 POINTS NOW!
"... Ok ... you'll get a B"
In right that moment a guy out of the second row asked my how I did that awsome mark and cool and focused as I was in that situation I just say: "Because I can!"

That was one of the best moments of thies day, it may was dulled a little bit by the 'Horny when Drunked' girl next to that guy, which was a little to close to crieing in that moment, because of her rather bad mark ... ... I can't stand crieing girls ... :(

A nother ... 'great' moment of today was at the busstop, when I ... 'good' looking girl looked at me. When I saw that she saw me seeing her, a reflex of mine moved my eyes away from her. ... A few second later I tried it again ... she still was looking at me! Unfortunatly the big WTF! in my head blocked any good looking movement, gesture or smille, till she walked by and I never saw here again ... D'OH!

Greg the Mad

Monday, May 26, 2008

Tests Again

Today I made a great test.

No, 'great' is the wrong word for it, it was probably the awsomest test it the school history ever!

I've learned complet 2 hours for it, but my great understanding of mechanic and the rest of my awsome brain made me write a test, which probably will cause the teacher to shit in his pants and jerk off at the same time, it just was awsome!

Jep, that was today. I should got a little test tomorrow, but I will skip it because I got a little cold (fortunatly with out hankys, but with tea). So I got full 24 hours to learn for the test on wednesday that sould be at least a D, and the test on the day after that day, where I should get a C, ... after that all I have to do is finaly to make the stupid presentation (I already hate Stirling ... bad karma), and write some other positive test next week ... and then I may manage to pass this school year without any sommer studing for the repeat test in september ... would be awsome ...

And now about something different:
I fealt worst the whole day ... so I spend some hours just watching Scrubs. And while I was wondering about JD, and how similar he is to me ... I got day dreams too ... more or less the same kind ...
Anyway, ... I thought about my game project and what I'm actually still lacking for my demo. And if you write it down on a list it. dose. not. appear. that. much. ...
I could make it till 09 ...
... all I have to do is to spend only one realy productive houre each week on the whole thing and bingo!

It would be that easy, but you grow with the ... er ... yes ... so long

Greg the Mad

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Tests, Tests and more Tests

OK, I only got two test next week, but that are such test I should at least get a C on, or I'll have to pervorme them next year again ... So I'm more or less detained for all the other stuff I want to do: Go drinking, meet girls, make sports ...


Selfsarcasm is nothing good, is it?

Anyway, just yesterday I dicovered a interresting fack. I use my table pen more and more.
Its may because my Logitech mouse starts to get weak speacking about rechargable battery power, or because its awsome to control a PC with a pen ... I'm not sure yet.

Anyway ... ther ... is nothing else ... I can say about ... me ... yet ...

Greg the Mad

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Stirling Planet

Today sucks.

I got a presentation tomorrow about the Stirling engine, and I only got a few pages of my presentation yet, not to meantion the whole stuff I'll be forced to speack about the engine, not to mention the test I got 4 hours later and still haven't studied for ...


And the test on monday on which I have to get a C on ...


... On the other hand I finaly made something again on my game. On of the big features will be that you can land on planets, so I need detailed planets and a system to change the Level of Details (LOD) on the fly, as you don't need millions of tree models when you orbit a planet, but you'll need water effects, and those have to differnt when you orbit the planet, than when you just hover a few meters above the surface.

So I started a little contetn project project yesterday. I'll start with a sphere and later use a height map for the elevation of each vertex.
Once I got this I'll write a system that only creates those faces of the planet which the player can see and also change the LOD at the same moment. Maybe I'll also use the same system to ganerate a billboard of the planet if your too fare away from it, and if your too far way from it all you can see it another start on the background ...

... I'd started the project yesterday, and I'll probalbe will continou it in a few weeks ... :(

Greg the Mad

Monday, May 19, 2008

Hang Over

Some how, I realy don't know how it happened, I did nothing about my game the last few day.

Its may because I now got some test in school that I should get some good grates on, or that I go a presentatin next frieday (about Stirling engines), 0r may because I still got MP3 to finish, not to mention that I didn't played GTA IV for two weeks now (my 36o is in the lifing room of my parents) ...

Or it may be becaus that the work that is waiting for me is more or less game designe pure ... seaching for that one fucking line that makes it all crash ... rewriting stuff the x'th time ...

But it may be also a little healthy. I may didn't spend every second on the game the last 6 month, but for a non programmer I did a great pille of work, so shuting my programming mind down a few days should not work, as long as it stays just a few days. The last hard test is next wednesday, I hope that I can relaxe after that and restart fresh and succesfull.

And about something complet different:
As you may now, I don't drink alkohol *hide*
But I'm still human enougth to got away with some friends and enjoy our selfs. As mentioned it that last post, I was in a bar with my class last week, and in that night I dicovered a new skill of mine:

Around zero o clock the horny girle (I've told you about in the last post) come over to me and suddenly started touching me. First I wondered 'WTF?' ... 'I like here, She looks good, but I'm not drunk!' ... 'What dose she want from me?'
Fortunatly I was releaved when you she put a little camera in my hand saying: "Its the camera from Karl (the guy she later started kissing), and I don't think that he is able to get it home save, but I know that you are. So please take it and keep it save." She walked away. Drunken but still cleare minded (what ever that means).
There I was standing: Holding a camera, surrounded by drunk people, and a mission.

... Mine are the best photos of that party.

Dancing teachers, Dancing students (on tables, bars, etc), stipping students (I'm not pround about those, but that moments had to be captured), teachers dancing with students, drunken girl kissing drunken guy.
Just to name a few. I have to admit that I did miss some great shoots, like the teacher watching students strip, and I missed the police capturing those 3 guys and the girl just for few seconds, drunken guy painted in bed, drunken guy in bed (it may don't sound that impressive but you should have seen it), drunken guy somewhere between toilet and shower (naked ...), and some more.

But Some of them already mentioned that we may make that a second time this semester, ... if, we mke it ... I'll get my self a camera, some SD-cards, and accept that mission:

Don't Make Photos, Make Memories.

BAM! Long post! So long.

Greg the Mad

Friday, May 16, 2008

3 Tage Wach! ("3 days awake")

No thats not me, but I somehow feel like that now.

We first drove away withe plan to visit some great facilitys and stuff (BWM, VöstAlpine, Siemens, ÖBB Powerstation), but the nights we went off are the only thing I realy remember ...

Ther first night we only were 10 people in a little round drinking till 12 ...

Ther second night ... :D ... we were 30 people, 1 drunken guy to get carried home, the only girl of the trip together with 5 other (no, just dancing ... kissing), 4 cached by police (including the girl), a body painted guy (not with airbrush ...) and one angry teacher :D


Thats probabyl why I'm the only one to tell about it. And in my funktion as home carrier I spend the whole night in getting the others save and alive (its not that easy), and unfucked (sorry) into bed. ... So ... I more or less only sleeped 8 hours the last tree days (sleeping in the bus not counted).

... And still feel great! (must be because of the lack of sleep)

PS: The most wired thing I was confronted with was the one girl that acted like that behavior would be common to her ... WTF? ... MAN! ... dancing (and I mean D-A-N-C-I-N-G) and kissing with 5 guys in one night? ...

... What happend to todays children?!?

Ok, thats all for now, I'll get my self a show now ... a round MP3 and then ... ... a bed?

Greg the Mad

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Up, Up and Away!

I'll go on a little trip with my class tomorrow. A little road trippin' through austria, visiting facilitys, manaufatoris, etc.
Because of that I drove to the next shoping center to puchase into a new DS game for entertaimend over those tree days (ZELDA PHG), and as I was lougthing over some PC game I found a nice little game called Metroid Prime 3 Corruption, which was perfect for me, as I frustrated shut my PC down just a few hours ago.

Yes ... I finaly found out that all my Orbit code from the prototype sucks and has to be rewrite, not only to fit with the new system but also because it just sucks ...
I have to think more about reusable stuff, than just about solutions for the moment ...
And it realy should work ... good ...

So that probaly will take more than a few days, even if you can use some of the old code, and realy just have to rewrite it, and not to rethink it ...

OK, I have to keep this short now, I still have to take a shower, shave and pack all my stuff ... and my mom just called me to take a pice form a cake ... cake! ... sliver ....

So Long

Greg the Mad

Monday, May 12, 2008


I guess that I'm not that great programmer like all thos non programmer always tell me.

I started a few days ago to take the GameStateManager sample appard, but somehow I ended up just copind it and passing the whole thing into my new project file ...

OK, it works and I can change the stuff later, but I hoped that I can rewrite the stuff all by my self from scrach ...

But the whole thing is so connected and everything got a cause to be there and in that form ... pro-programmer sucks ... their code is too good :(

At the moment I more or less got the whole GameStateManager thing working just with my background (the start-skysphere I use for the game) and a bug that some how don't let me display my models in the gameplay screen ...
... writing a game in a project and later implant it into a different project aint that easy as it sounds ...

Greg the Mad

Friday, May 9, 2008


I somehow start to like the WIP name of my game 'Orbit'.
It more or less holds all that the game is about.

Its about the realistic traveling throug space, the landing on planets and everthing in between. Perfect!

Why I like it more then ever? Because now that my control system is done (at the moment), I start the next thing: Screen Management.

Ever usual game starts with the studio emblem and intro and the main menu. Till now mine starts with you hovering directly infront earth ... Not the best intro ...
So I took the sample form and started coping, changing, deleting etc to make it fit for my game.
At the moment I only got a cornflowerblue screen with a 'Orbit' string in the center, but I plane to get the whole menu/game thing working till next week (I got 4 days holiday!). Once that thing is done I'll work again on the control system (I'll need a menu system to toggle stuff on/off), and then ... I probable have to face the content processor for my planets ...

It should not be that hard to creat a planet based on a few values and a heigth map, but ... the scale ... the camera should stay at least 1.5 units away from the surface ... and what if you land on a planed and want to look up? ... Changing the scale on the fly? ...

Ther will be a lot of question I'll have to answer then ...

So Long

Greg the Mad

Monday, May 5, 2008

private bool Passion;

You know, I never realy was sure about the game developer thing.

Yes, I like to programm, to have ideas, to make those ideas real, to work with other people, etc. But there is also something I wasn't that sure if I got it till now.

As a game developer you not only have to spend the whole day sitting on your ass, but also sometimes the whole night. As you might already guess, I'm talking about such kind of passion, that lets you know no differnt time border but the deadline.

And as I mostly only spend around 3 hours a day on programming, etc. I actually wasn't sure about if I was able to spend the 'day' (8-9 hours) working on a game, or what ever.

But all that thougth suddenly disappeared when my brother called me a few days ago that he needs me and my godlike CAD skills to draw a gearbox for him, which he needs till monday (today). So we meet yesterday, eat lunch and started.

He spend the most time rethinking all the calculations, which weren't finished as I started drawing the gears.
I already had all gears (4 to give a figure) and a bunch of other stuff when he was done with the calculation.

And then I just drew.

Finaly a 22:00 my brother called me to tell me that I got school next day and that I must not wait the whole night with it as its probably pointless anyway. ... So I actually spend around 10 hours on a project that don't affects my live in anyway, and the only reward is a free entry card for the Iron Man movie (~7€). ... Some people may diffine passion differnt, but it works for me :)

And now guess what I would be capable of when there is a deadline infront of me and a angry boss in my neck! I could plan, build, populate and burn rom in just one day!!!!!!

Passion = true;

Greg the Mad

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Stop the production!

Stop the coding! The drawing! The desinging!

You can stop every game production on the world, we don't need any new games anymore!

No matter what they are working on, no matter how bit it will be!

They can't beat the best feature of GTA IV!

When you drive around with the Icecream vehicle you can hear a ich ginggle, (and now it comes) as faster you drive as fast the ginggle playes, and if you drive reverse you can hear the song reverse!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ther'll never be a nother game that will be greater than that!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck Fable2! Fuck Spore! Fuck Force Unleashed!


Greg the Mad