Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mystic Phone Calls

I got something craling up by back, ... a thougth that I don't like that much ...

Well lets start at the basic:
Ther are two kinds of people on the world (dispite all the other type settings).
The Alpha people and the Beta people.
Alpha people are the leading people, those who stand in a crowd and still stand out, etc. Alpha people see something, want it, and try everything to get it.
And Beta people are the rest, those who follow, and build up crowds.

I'm a Alpha person (I would say), and my dream girl is, too, a alphs person. Well, and as every Alpha girl, my dream girl got some girls following her. ... And I got the bad the the cause why she was looking for me, why she always tryed to stand near me, was not her mind, but the mind of one of her Beta girls ...

A girl I know since 5th grade, ... well, yes she is a little chubby, but that what I don't like about her is the missing aura (the feeling her presence brings). ... And I would have to 'break' her heart, which I will do if I have to, but which I would not like to do.

I came up with that horrible thought as I took a phone call this afternoon, and ther was breathing and TV inthe background. First I thought that ther was someone who was intimidted by my 'Hello?', but then my mother told me that ther wher many phone calls like that, and that a girl once sayed 'Hello?'.

Not a Alpha person behaviour, isn't it?

So my first priority, next weekend will be to determine who realy likes me ...

And now about something complet different:
I make some progress with my screensaver, I'm nearly done with the settings form, once that is done I can apply the settings values to the actual screensaver and done! WhoHoo!

Greg the Mad

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