Monday, November 12, 2007


Do you know that feeling? Snow is gone. The next test in school are comming like a big red guy carrieing a bag on his back. And and the all bad school brack gives you a call which tells you that you can get your graficcard back?

Yes! My own PC will work again!

For those who've missed it: My PC used to brack down sometimes. Just 2 month ago I figured out that ther was a little copper cooling device on the grafic card ... that was gone! So I tooked that card and brought it back to the shop. Ther they claimed that they may have to send it to Asus and that it could take up to 6 weeks till I get it back.

Now, 8 weeks late I can go to the shop and get the replacement. ... it took MS 3 days to replace my brocken X-Box 360 ... just to give you that feeling.

Ja, and do you know that feeling, that you got if you onyl got 48 steps left to make, but somehow you don't even find any stupid minute on that Lego crap that I can't see anymore? Bingo. I got this one with the Manula thing.

I should get time this Wednesday till Sunday to actualy finish it and find a way to publish it in the interrnet. ... man ... can wait till this one is out and I can start my next project ... the Lego Mako Dropminigame! WooHoo! :-)

Greg the Mad

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